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Pantami to speak at CTO’s Ministerial Alliance for Digital Nations 2022

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The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) will be convening its inaugural Ministerial Alliance for Digital Nations from 20th to 21st September 2022. The theme for the two-day meeting is “Addressing ICT issues for Commonwealth transformation”.

already, Nigeria’s Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Prof Isah Pantami has been listed as world leaders to speak at the global meet,t

This Ministerial Alliance will focus on affordable universal broadband connectivity. Commonwealth government ministers responsible for ICT and Telecommunications will be presenting the challenges their administrations face in achieving affordable universal broadband connectivity. Captains of the ICT industry will respond by presenting their ICT solutions. Ultimately, the CTO hopes to facilitate greater collaboration between Commonwealth Governments and the ICT industry and initiate meaningful action for addressing affordable universal broadband connectivity.

Many government ministers and leading technology advocates have already confirmed their participation.

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