Business Hilights

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Chi Limited

CBN’s latest milk policy designed to encourage cattle ranching, but…

Lagos based development economist, Dr Lekan Amosun has interpreted the latest ban on milk imports by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as another policy to encourage Fulani herdsmen to consider ranching than the outdated and resisted land grabbing spree…

Chi Limited: Hollandia Family introduces lactose free easy-to-digest milk

In view of discoveries that majority of Nigerians are lactose intolerant and are unable to digest Lactose present in milk due to rise to symptoms varying from bloating to flatulence, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and stooling, Chi Limited has introduced a…

CHI begins reloaded campaign for Capri-Sonne to deepen kids excitements

Leading soft energy drink manufacturer, CHI Limited, producers of Capri-Sonne, has unveiled new brand renewal drive tagged; ‘Express Yourself campaign’ to improve brand engagement and visibility. Giving insights on the reason behind the new campaign, Marketing Director, Chi Limited, Probal…

Chi Ltd launches new marketing campaign tagged ‘Breakfast with Chivita 100%

Leading Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturers, Chi Limited has unveiled its new marketing communication campaign tagged #BreakfastwithChivita 100%. In a statement issued in Lagos, the company said the move was part of drive to rebrand its flagship’s brand proposition…