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ED, Ndanusa is doing well but we need good road in complex—Mandilas President

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The president of Mandilas United Traders Association (MUTA), owners of Mandilas International Trade Centre (MITC), Lagos International Trade Fair complex, Evang. CSP Emmanuel Chukwugozie Ezeani has described the Executive Director/CEO of Trade Fair Management Board, Barr. Vera Ndanusa as a rare gem in managing the complex.

In an interview in his office, he revealed that Ndanusa is a go-getter, action woman and a woman of substance, saying that “Since her appointment and resumption of duties here in the complex, she has introduced several policy reforms that are currently changing the face of the business activities and ease of doing business.”

“We the stakeholders have met with her on the state of the 5-kms ring-road in the complex and she promised us that she will take up the challenge direct to the minister, Dr. Doris Uzoka-Anite for action.

“Am very confident that she is working on that because she has never failed the stakeholders on any issue since she came here. No doubt, the roads are too bad both for big and small vehicles. The worst is whenever it rains; the complex road becomes a mess.

ED of TFMB, Barr. Veronica Ndanusa

“Yes, there had been palliatives, but the state of the road now is clearly beyond palliative measures but complete reconstruction.

“I want to further appeal to her to see how she can speed up her efforts on reconstructing the road so as to deepen ease of doing business at the Lagos International trade Fair complex.

Evang. Ezeani however, assured the ED that stakeholders will continue to support all her polices and leadership activities because she is doing well.

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