Following the restoration of Hon. Ngozi Emechebe administration in ASPMDA on Friday, March 1, 2024 by the IGP Special Squad, ASPMDA oragnised Special Praise and Worship Session yesterday, Monday, March 4, 2024 to thank God and rededicate the entire plaza and administration into the hands of God.
Prayers were led by Priests from the Redemptorists Reverend fathers courtesy of Arch Angels Catholic parish, Satellite Town.
Among the highlights of the prayer session were the anointing of all Exco members, ASPMDA members present, Communion service, ASPMDA Thanksgiving, blessing of all entry gates with blessed water and ushering of Excos into their offices by the Priests with prayers.
In his short remarks, Hon. Emechebe thanked God profusely for the return of peace to ASPMDA and also thanked everyone that contributed to the peace process.