Latest revelation from the United Nations Habitat 2017 Report has shown that one in eight people or about one billion people live in slums across the world.
Speaking on the report in relation to how it affects Ghana at the launch of clean cook stove project in Accra, the Executive Director of the People’s Dialogue, Ghana (PDG), Mr Farouk Braimah, Executive Director of the People’s Dialogue, Ghana (PDG) revealed that “Additionally, about 55 per cent of Accra’s active labour force earns their income from informal trading and services sub-sector activities,”.
“The proportion of slum dwellers is most acute in Africa 55.9 percent, followed by Asia 27.9 per cent and one fifth of slum households are headed by women who are often the poorest and most vulnerable.
Quoting the United Nations-Habitat 2017 report, to support his argument, Braimah noted that in Accra alone, slum dwellers together with informal traders and those in the services sub-sector earn their living in informal markets, along pavements, along railway buffers and at home in informal and squatter settlements.