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FG, Ukraine to seal MoU deal on space technology

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A document to be signed by Nigerian government and Ukrainian government in advancing space and satellite technology is getting set at the Office of the Minister of Science and technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu.

This was revealed during a recent courtesy call by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Nigeria, Dr Valeri Aleksandra on Dr Ogbonnaya Onu, Minister of Science and Technology in Abuja.

According to the Ambassador, such agreement would further strengthen the collaboration of the two countries in the area of science and technology.

Aleksandra added that Ukraine has advanced in space technology which will be of great benefits to Nigeria, stressing that many Nigerians went to Ukraine universities to graduate in Science and Technology.

Business Hilights gathered that Ukraine has its historical origins in the 18th and 19th centuries and is associated, first of all, with the Kyiv Mohyla Academy, University of Kyiv and University of Kharkiv.

The envoy revealed that “The founding of Ukraine’s main research institution, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 1918 by Volodymyr Vernadsky marked an important milestone in the country’s subsequent scientific and technological development.

“Ukraine’s space science advanced rapidly in the aftermath of World War II, with Korolyov, Glushko and Chelomey leading the rocket and spaceflight development in the Soviet Union during the Space Race.’’

Responding, the former Governor of Abia State noted that the agreement between the two countries would be of great advantages to Nigeria because science and technology was one area of Ukraine strength.

Continuing, he said “It is a future arrangement; they want our space agency to have a very close relationship with theirs. Nothing has been established as of now,” stressing that “If you look at the Ukraine history and its achievements, it has some advanced technology in certain areas”.

“We are also proposing a MoU between our own ministry and their own ministry, because science and technology is one area of Ukraine strength.

“We will be happy to work with Ukraine at the areas we will learn from the country and also the areas it will learn from us, “he said.


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