Business Hilights

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ICT notifies client of price reviews

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Leading web data hosting group,  has notified clients in Nigeria that it has reviewed the prices of some services due to the current exchange rate and scarcity of the Forex (mainly the US Dollars).

In a statement posted on its site, the group said “you will need to know that we have reviewed the pricing of some of our hosting services. The current exchange rate and scarcity of the Forex (mainly the US Dollars) has made it impossible for us to maintain the previous pricing for some of our services. You might notice some minor increase in price at the point of placing your orders”.

It also said “our Head of support is now back to Nigeria and you can now reach us via our previous Nigeria phone number which is stated on the website”.

“Please note that our prices will be adjusted accordingly considering the exchange rate as a major factor which affect the pricing, so clients should always check our website for the current amount to pay when placing their orders.

“This price increase is however necessary with the current exchange rate and something we must do in order to continue to provide you with the quality service you’ve come to expect from us.

The statement advised clients to contact customer service for any detail.

It would be recalled that provide affordable and reliable web hosting in Nigeria and all their  web hosting accounts comes with Free Auto-installer for CMS & Scripts (Softaculous), easy to use control Panel, 24/7 technical support, 99% uptime guaranteed and other benefits.


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