Business Hilights

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Business Hilights

Another $40M Found In Patience Jonathan’s Skye Bank Accounts

In keeping with corporate governance and disclosure standards, officials of Skye Bank Plc have informed the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of newly discovered accounts owned by Mrs. Patience Jonathan, wife of former President Goodluck Jonathan. The accounts are…

IMF says global economic recovery ‘weak, precarious’

The global economic recovery remains “weak and precarious”, the International Monetary Fund has warned. In its latest World Economic Outlook, the IMF predicts “subpar” growth this year of 3.1%, rising slightly in 2017.


Produce Quality Products For Foreign Exchange, Lokpobiri Charges farmers

Minister of State, Agriculture and Rural Development, Senator Heineken Lokpobiri has challenged farmers and other stakeholders to always carry out periodic examination of their products. This according to him is to limit the chances of fungal contamination, over use of…


FCMB To Visit Customers As It begins 2016 Customer Week

Leading indigenous commercial bank, First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Limited has off exciting and rewarding initiatives to further enhance customer experience during this year’s international customer service week. The programme started yesterday, and is expected to end on October 7…

FG releases N2.95tn out of ear marked N6.06tn in six months—CBN

Figures from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Monday, have suggested that out of the N6.06tn approved for the 2016 budget, about N2.95tn has so far been released by the Federal Government for capital and recurrent expenditures. The bank said…

General Electric to invest N46bn in Nigeria next year—Report

General Electric, a United States’ electrical industrial firm, on Monday announced its plans to invest about $150m (N45.8bn) in Nigeria next year. The group said on its website that “There are development projects where we are investing,” the Chief Executive…

Good News As OPEC Exempts Nigeria, 2 Others From Reducing Oil Production

At a time Nigeria economy is battling economic recession, analysts have seen the move by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), to exempt Nigeria, from cutting production output given the peculiar internal challenges they found themselves. Pundits say the…


*Text Of The Address Of  The President Of Institute of Software Practitioners of Nigeria (ISPON), Olorogun James O. Emadoye (MBA,FCA,FNCS),  On The Occasion Of The 56th Independence Celebration of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 1.0       Preamble: The Institute of Software…

Eko Atlantic City To Become West Africa’s Financial Hub—Developer

Principal developers of the new city being built from reclaimed land adjacent to Victoria Island – Eko Atlantic City has released key features of the proposed West Africa’s new financial hub. The new scheme is expected to accommodate amongst other…

Paying N35,000 For Speed Limiter Is Extorting Inter-State Motorists—Fleet Owners

A cross-session of Fleet owners plying inter-state routes that are based in Lagos have expressed anger over what they described as being a form of extortion, charging them up to N35,000 to buy Speed Limiter for their buses. The scheme…