The name “Ikwerre” is an IGBO word meaning “We have agreed” it has no similarity in Benin language Our native names Ihuruoha/Iwhuruoha and Iwhuruohna all means “Face of the people or clans” in Ikwerre dialect and central Igbo language and It has no similarity in Benin language The name of our progenitor is AKALAKA meaning: “Destiny” in Ikwerre dialect and central Igbo language. It has no similarities in Benin Language The only recognized Socio-Cultural organization of the Ikwerre people is called: “Ogbakor Ikwerre” The word Ogbakor means “The Gathering of People” in Ikwerre dialect and central Igbo language. It has no similarities in Benin language. We the Ikwerre people practice the Igbo AGE GRADE SYSTEM in totality. We the Ikwerre people practice and observe the OFO/OWHOR traditional symbol of authority and justice. The ọfọ/owhor is a sacred staff or stick that is passed on to a favourite son in the family and it represents authority in Igbo culture and tradition: This is why if you see anyone bearing “Owhordah” in Ikwerre land, he is the next in line or the one with his family’s OFO/OWHOR and must be respected. Note that the Ikwerre’s are not the only ones who calls it “OWHOR”, several other Igbo clans situated in the South East also call it OWHOR, it is a dialectal difference but the central Igbo name is OFO. In our culture, the Igbo four market days is: EKE, ORIE, AFO, NKWOR which is practiced anywhere in Ikwerre land. The Benin’s adopted it but tried to corrupt it at some point. Now If names, language, culture and traditions is not a prove of our IGBO heritage with all the visible resemblance, mutuality and affinity, how do you define an ancestry of a people? My name is CHIMENU AMADI an Ikwerre man from Rumuewhor community Odegu clan in Emohua LGA Rivers State. We’re Igbos!