The Lagos Deep Offshore Logistics Base (LADOL), a privately owned logistics and engineering facility in the Port of Lagos, Nigeria, has continued to raise the bar in modern and digital logistics delivery in the nation’s maritime industry.
Currently, LADOL is using the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to build a unique circular ecosystem, servicing a range of industries.
The Zone was developed out of a disused swamp and has been operational since 2006.
Every year since then the infrastructure and facilities have grown and expanded.
The Zone now provides a 24/7 efficient, safe, and secure location from which local and international companies, in a range of sectors, can start operating immediately.
In 2017 LADOL disrupted the local oil and gas market, halving the costs of local support, and creating thousands of local jobs.
LADOL is now focused on attracting and servicing a range of non-oil and gas companies, in sectors ranging from technology to agriculture.
The sectors identified will work together to create a circular economy within the Zone.
West Africa is one of the largest under-served markets in the world with the fastest-growing population.
Industrial companies working in LADOL can service this market sustainably and profitably while creating tens of thousands of jobs.
As the local market grows there will be a higher demand for locally produced products, a larger skilled workforce, and cheaper domestic operating costs.
LADOL is becoming a blueprint for the Sustainable Industrialization of Africa, turning Africa’s demographic dividend into global wealth creation.