As the year rolls away, fact checks on the timelines in the nation’s telecom sector performance presents yet another not so palatable dish to eke out after all.
Though MTN Nigeria criss-crossed Abuja, Calabar and Lagos with 5G demos, industry watchers say the dream to 5G must be preceded by comfortable 4G performance which had remained with mixed feelings throughout 2019.
Whereas industry stakeholders’ present at the colourful MTN 5G demo across the three cities, their fear for the industry is still there as the Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) Bill continues its endless journey at the National Assembly for another year.
Additional fact checks revealed that majority of Infrastructure Companies (InfraCos) licencees are yet to begin delivery of infrastructure in their respective zones even as the very last regional slot is yet to be taken effectively by bidders.
On the popular 2 and 3G services (voice and sms), latest trend on sending sms as observed by subscribers is delayed delivery of message even when the system has shown sent icon.
At certain of the day, no matter wherever you are staying, it is always difficult to make or receive calls and the crisis cut across networks.
Experts say why the regulators monthly industry data on internet subscriber-bases do change from time to time is because majority of internet subscribers had been forced to subscribe to all the four even in addition to ISPs due to lack of respective network reliability.
They say that is why throughout 2019, there is straight three or four months when a particular internet network maintained lead, rather they seem to be running relay race by switching lead in internet subscribership on a monthly basis.