The Commonwealth ICT Ministers Forum 2018, will take place on the 18 – 20 June 2018, in London with strong deliberations on broadband penetration and cybersecurity issues.
The biennial meeting, first convened in 2014, will place emphasis on the outcomes of CHOGM 2018. The theme for this year’s event is committed leadership: harbouring a roadmap for ICT enabled growth and will focus on leveraging ICTs for prosperity.
The event will take place in two parts; the first component is a closed-door meeting, for Ministers and their advisors that will take place on the 18 June 2018 at Marlborough House, headquarters of the Commonwealth of Nations and the seat of the Commonwealth Secretariat. To be followed by a two-day open ministers forum at the Law Society, in the City of London on the 19 and 20 June 2018.
The open forum admits Commonwealth regulatory bodies, ICT sector companies, civil society and interested parties an opportunity to meet and engage on the various policy issues with participating Commonwealth ICT ministries. On the morning of the 19 June, the outcomes of the closed-door meeting will be presented, it will showcase best practices across the industry and the interactive programme will allow for further policy and technical discussions.
During the Commonwealth ICT Ministers Forum in 2016, Commonwealth ministers issued a declaration which called for more efforts by countries in the key areas of broadband, cybersecurity, applications as well as greater Commonwealth coordination at international fora.
Private sector players expected to take part in the open forum will range from manufacturers, service providers, carriers and operators. International organisations such as the International Telecommunication Union, International Telecommunications Satellite Organization and GSMA are invited to speak at the event.
A statement issued by the event manager, Mr. Robert Hayman and emailed to Business Hilights revealed that other issues of discussion include Finance and investment opportunities, Enabling regulatory environments, Commonwealth ICT and Industry Awards, Over-the-top services, Privacy, and ICTs for disaster management in member states.