The trending unprecedented excitement amongst Glo subscribers across Ghana over the recent launch of Glo Yakata promo may have started impacting on other networks subscriber bases.
Business Hilights Ghana Bureau chief, reports that the new offer, according to the telecoms giant, provides exceptionally huge and unmatchable benefits to subscribers on every recharge including free data, unlimited Glo to Glo calls and free minutes to call to other networks.
Details show that a recharge of GHc1 gives the subscriber his or her airtime value plus free first minute of the day call to other networks.
In addition, the subscriber also gets 250MB data and an incredibly free and unlimited Glo to Glo calls for two days.
Glo Mobile Ghana explained further that as the promo lasts, every recharge of GHc2 gives the subscriber the normal airtime value of GHc 2 and an additional benefit of first free minute of the day to call any other network for four days plus a free 500MB data and free and unlimited Glo to Glo calls for four days.
A GHc5 recharge, which gives an airtime of same amount in the account, also delivers first free minute call to any network daily for 10 days and 1.25GB free data.
The subscriber also gets free Glo to Glo calls for 10 days. A subscriber who recharges GHc10 gets first free minute call daily to any network for 20 days, free and unlimited Glo to Glo calls for 20 days, and 2.5GB data free, apart from his GHc10 airtime, which is intact in his account.
The customer also gets immeasurable benefits on both Ghc20 and Ghc50 recharges.
The company reassured subscribers of seamless communications as the company had perfected works on the networks.
“The greatest plus to this offer is that apart from the huge array of benefits to be enjoyed, a subscriber can use his/her original airtime credit for local and international calls, data and other value-added services as desired”, the telecoms noted.