Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) ICT Forum ’17
Dateline Maputo, Mozambique 11 – 13 September; leading global and continental stakeholders’ in data services will join the debate on how best to connect the rest of the world and mainly Africans to the internet of things and accessibility issues.
In a statement issued on Tuesday and sent to Business Hilights via email, by the organizers of Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) ICT Forum ’17, it said the summit will examine the possibilities for equitable socio-economic growth in a digital future comprising virtual environments, the Internet of things and augmented applications.
CTO observed that yet, over half of the world’s population is still not connected to the Internet, and noted that the answers of how these people, communities and economies will reap the benefits a digital future are expected from the forum.
“The CTO ICT Forum ’17 will consider what steps are needed to overcome the obstacles to universal and affordable broadband access and how to ensure the necessary investment in broadband infrastructure to enable digital nations and digital wealth.
“An eminent panel of high-level representatives will discuss the long-term policies needed to ensure the digital future is accessible to all, while other speakers address the specific infrastructure, spectrum and regulatory requirements necessary to make this future a reality,” the statement averred.